yer,aku taw dah lame sgt x menulis blog ineyh..
serius,xde alasan laen lagi kecuali internet connection yg agak kurang capaian..
mmg byk entry2 yg aku dah save as draft kat notepad tp x terpost..huhuh
contohnye : my 2009 review, MY BIRTHDAY IS SUCKS!, 2010-to-do-list, before graduate-to-do-list..huh..mmg nak wat cmne..klu nk post skrg,da xde feeling lah pulak kan..
life aku as final yr student d kala final sem agak best pd zahir nya..*nampak macam best*
dah final sem ni lah baru ade bukak secret recipe kt perlis neyh..court basketball baru ade..kelas pon 2 hari seminggu..*apart from fyp lah kan*
after da bersusah payah wat fyp,hari2 dtg lab,menghadap mandur,life seems easier and relax..
supposed macam,macam2 plak benda lain yg jadi..konflik BFF lah,apelah..adoyaii~ xpe,yg tu lupekan dulu..n x seswai nk cakap kat cni..agak bahaya..
tapi a few days ago,aku jupe something yg mmg aku tggu selama neyh..something yg aku rasa bole ubah something kat aku..aku yakin something itu boleh ubah something yg lain..boleh pulangkan ape yg hilang aku silap..
something itu tetap mcm tu..
i still live in d past..with more pain..damn!
n now aku sangat2 lah agree ngan lyrics ineyh..
I'd like to make myself believe,
that planet earth turns slowly - Fireflies by Owl City
owh roda idupku..pls going up again~ lol!