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Tuesday, March 31, 2009


after i lost my star,sunshine,rainbow or whateva i called him,
i turn myself into a very workaholic person..
i dun choosy anymore n d dirtiest d works,d better!!

laz week, 'geng giler2' had a project at ktsb..
dis time,they brought lelaki beraura tinggi..hehe
so,i followed them everywhere~~
install control valve,service control valve..n so on..
bt most d time i jst sat n look at lelaki beraura tinggi doing his work,servicing control valve..
n i asked him again n again n again bout how dat control valve functioning..harhar

neway,its not d lelaki beraura tinggi wif his control valve i want 2 talk about..
its about aftr lelaki beraura tnggi went back to kuantan n its just d original members of 'geng giler2'
of cos,i still followed 'geng giler2' although without dat lelaki beraura tinggi..
d work leader aka abg besar called me,

abg besar : ling,nk ikot kitorg naek tank x?

aku : nak2!!nk uat pe je?

abg besar : jum2..nk buat test sket dkt vent tu..bwk mask skali..

aku : okeh! *took my safety glass,helmet n mask*

ini ialah mask

dat mask WAJIB ntuk dbawe ketika naek tank..
but TAK WAJIB ntuk dipakai..
it just a preparation in case ade product leaking or any other emergency..

aftaer bout 120 stairways,we reached on the roof of dat tank..tank 204!
suddenly abg besar asked me to wear dat mask..
*erk,slalu bwat perhiasan je?!-kate aku dlm ati smbil pakai mask*
then abg besar asked me

abg besar : ling,pegi kt pressure transmitter tu,bace pressure tank ni

aku : 9.8 bar..*dgn nada slumber*

abgbesar : *nodding with a serious face*

aku : patutnye bpe pressure die?

abg besar : 5.5bar..

aku : *(sweat)erk?9-8-5.5=4.3..byk tuh..klu lbeyh,tank boleh meletup..eh,aku tanak mati lagi..eh,aku nak turun skrg jugak!!!-kate2 dlm hati*

abang besar : ling,meh duk sini..kite nak lepaskan product..angin ke arah situ..kite kne duk sini..

aku : eh,ni product ape ek? * jst realize aku x taw product pe sbnrnye*

abang besar : benzene!

aku : *(extra sweat)what?!!!shit..damn..aku nk turun skrg jugak!!*

bt i realized it was too late..plus,the stairs located in danger zone..arah angin lintang..so i just stare at dat stairs~ n i pray..nguuu..
abg besar n his frens were busy doing their work without me being so annoyed by asking them what is dat,why is dat n how is dat questions..
dat time,i jst stand on one corner..im speechless..nguaa~

control valve & 1/2 of abang besar's fren..hehe

air regulator,air filter & lelaki beraura tinggi's hand..;p

**taubat~~ after diz, i will b more alert n careful..haha

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

missing star

I can never really tell you why
I've been missing you a lot
And I just have to take another look of your photo in my wallet
Ad there's no reason why I keep your tshirt by my side when I sleep
Pretending you were never really gone

Its like a missing star that always ends up in your sky
Its like the rainbow never comes after the rain
Its like the sun never rises in every of your morning
How am I supposed to live without those things
they are all you

diz song keep playing in my head..
my missing star~~
i miss u

Sunday, March 22, 2009

terima kasih banyak2!

Saat itu aku perlukan emak..
aku perlukan bebelan emak..
aku perlukan bebelan emak yang keramat..
yang penuh dgn magis,yang x pernah mengecewakan..
yang selalu mampu buat aku tersenyum, tabah & bersemangat..
tapi malangnya saat itu,emak hanya terdiam..
tidak terkata..
emak hanya menangis..
dan kami sama2 menangis..
hati aku berasa lebih saket..
kerana emak juge terasa pedih..
hati emak juge hancur..
**padahal emak xde kne mengena pon!!!**
maafkan aku emak..
maafkan aku kerana sering berjumpa dgn org2 yg PENAKUT & KEJAM

untuk awak..
terima kasih kerana membuat saye & emak menangis..
terima kasih banyak-banyak~

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

nota dari ibu..

Malam itu sgt lah dingin..
disertai dgn jiwa yg sgt kacao..
aku simpulkan mlm itu --> worst night ever!
lame baru aku dpt tenangkan diri dan masuk ke alam mimpi..

keesokan pagi,ada 1 nota di ats katil..ditepi ku..

"Aku meminta kpd Tuhan
setangkai bunga segar,
Ia beri kaktus berduri.
Aku minta kupu-kupu,
Ia beri ulat berbulu.
Aku sedih & kecewa..
Namun kaktus itu berbunga indah sekali
dan ulat itu pun menjadi kupu-kupu yang sgt cantik..
Itulah jalan Tuhan,
indah pada masanya...
Kadangkala kita sedih,kecewa & terluka,
tapi jauh di atas segalanya,
Tuhan sedang mengatur yang terbaik dlm kehidupan kita..."


Emak..selalu tahu apa yg aku perlukan..
terima kasih emak..

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